Experience the Roomba Combo™ j7+ 

2-in-1 Robot Vacuum & Mop

The Roomba Combo™ j7+ is the world’s most advanced robot vacuum and mop, keeping your floors clean and fresh every day.

Vacuums & Mops Simultaneously

The Roomba Combo™ j7+ is designed to seamlessly transition from carpets to hardwood floors

Cleans any Floor

The Roomba Combo™ j7+ automatically empties its dustbin into the docking station for effortless cleaning

Self-Emptying Technology

Unlike other 2-in-1 robots, when the Roomba Combo™  j7+ senses carpet, the mop pad automatically lifts up to the top of the robot, keeping your carpet dry and floors clean

Senses Carpet

Order your  Roomba Combo j7+ today at irobot.com!